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Consultancy & Collaborations

NMR is an extremely powerful technique for investigating the structure of chemical species, molecular geometry, intermolecular interactions (for example the binding of drug candidates to biomolecules), molecular motion or following the course of chemical reactions in situ.


The  structures of proteins, DNA, RNA, carbohydrates and their interactions in solution can also be investigated using biomolecular NMR.


We engage with industrial or governmental researchers to provide an NMR service (measuring spectra), consultancy (measuring spectra + interpretation of spectra) or enter into collaborations (PhD studentships, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, collaborative projects). For more information please contact Prof Dušan Uhrín.

Biennial NMR workshop

The Uhrin group runs a 2 day NMR workshop every 2 years (typically in September). This workshop is compulsory for all new PhD students wanting to use our NMR facility, but is open to high-school teachers, industrial researchers or the public to come and learn more about NMR.

NMR for Scottish high-schools (NMR4SHS) project

As part of the NMR4SHS project we:


  • provide an NMR theory workshop for high-school teachers. This workshop covers the basics of NMR, including chemical shifts and J-coupling. Examples of NMR spectra interpretation as well as practical demonstration of measuring NMR spectra using a benchtop NMR spectrometer is given. To register/act as a local organiser for a workshop please contact


  • collect NMR spectra, free of charge, for any high school students across Scotland. Samples are run in automation on our 500 MHz spectrometer. If you would like to send us samples, please fill in the form and email it to

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Prof. Dusan Uhrin

Room 270, School of Chemistry

The University of Edinburgh

David Brewster Road


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