£1.4M upgrade of the 800 MHz spectrometer to establish Scottish High Field NMR Centre
Lead by Prof. Dušan Uhrín, Scottish NMR spectroscopists have been awarded £ 1.4M for a major upgrade of the 800 MHz NMR spectrometer - housed in the School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh.
Building on the existing Scottish NMR Users Group (and drawing on support from ScotCHEM and SULSA), this grant establishes a Scottish High Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Centre. It is part of a major EPSRC-lead investment of RCUK into UK NMR infrastructure.
The Centre will provide access to the mid- to high-magnetic field liquid- and solid-state NMR spectrometers in Scotland. It brings together researchers from from the universities of Aberdeen, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Strathclyde, and Heriot-Watt, as well as the Beatson CRUK Institute (Glasgow)
, forming the hub of a network of NMR users across physical and life sciences.
Professor Dušan Uhrín, Chair of NMR spectroscopy in Edinburgh, said: “This new centre will transform the way NMR is applied to chemistry, biology, environmental and material sciences in universities and industry across Scotland. It will create a platform for interactions with other regional and national NMR centres in the UK.”